Fitzgerald wins Fine Gael selection contest

Former Fine Gael TD Frances Fitzgerald has been selected to contest the general election in the Dublin Mid-West constituency …

Former Fine Gael TD Frances Fitzgerald has been selected to contest the general election in the Dublin Mid-West constituency in the next general election.

The former TD, who represented the Dublin South East constituency up until she was defeated in the 2002 election, said she was delighted to be given the opportunity to represent the party.

"With a proven track record in politics, having served as a member of Dáil Éireann for ten years, I am heartened by the unambiguous decision of the membership," she said.

"We will undoubtedly have a strong and united campaign in Mid West, which I believe will deliver a seat for Fine Gael," she stated.


Ms Fitzgerald was elected on the first count following the withdrawal of former Fine Gael senator Therese Ridge.