FG unveils plans for small business

Fine Gael has said that small businesses could save up to €50,000 per year under new proposals for sector relief that the party…

Fine Gael has said that small businesses could save up to €50,000 per year under new proposals for sector relief that the party unveiled today.

The party's 18-point rescue plan to support small businesses includes measures to deal with rent increases and a freeze on Government charges.

It is also proposing to reverse the VAT increase introduced by the Government last year and to abolish the €10 travel tax.

Under the party's proposals, Fine Gael would offer employers a PRSI exemption for new staff recruited or alternatively a 6,000 euro wage subsidy per employee over the same period. It is also proposed reductions in local authority rates, a freeze on Government charges and an end to "upward only" rent reviews.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the former Washington Correspondent of The Irish Times. He was previously industry correspondent