FG delegates vote to change leader election procedure

Delegates at the Fine Gael Ard Fheis have voted to change the way the party leader is elected.

Delegates at the Fine Gael Ard Fheis have voted to change the way the party leader is elected.

Under the proposed system, party leaders would have to be re-elected every two years by an electoral college made up of TDs and constituencies representatives.

The changes still has to be passed by a postal ballot before the party’s constitution can be amended.

However one delegate warned that the proposals would be seen as a challenge to the present leadership.


The ardfheis will culminate this evening in a televised address by party leader Mr Michael Noonan. In his speech Mr Noonan is expected to attack the Government over its economic record and to describe its policies as "right-wing and uncaring".

He also expected to address the controversy over his handling of the case of Brigid McCole, who died after being infected with hepatitis C.

Mr Noonan has declined several interview requests on the subject in the wake of the broadcast of RTÉ's dramatisation of the hepatitis C affair, No Tears, he now plans to speak directly on the matter in his keynote speech tonight.

Opening the ardfheis last night, Mr Noonan called on Government to call an election immediately. He said the Government was incompetent and did not know where it was going.

He pledged "to end the practice of appointing to the boards of companies people whose only qualification is they are party cronies".

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times