FF wants radical policy change on disability

LEGISLATION requiring companies and other bodies to make workplaces and services accessible to disabled people has been proposed…

LEGISLATION requiring companies and other bodies to make workplaces and services accessible to disabled people has been proposed by Fianna Fail.

The proposal comes in a comprehensive policy document which commits the party to a "radical" series of initiatives on behalf of people with disabilities.

Introducing the document last Friday, the party's disability spokeswoman, Ms Mary Wallace TD, said: "Our central theme is the idea that there must be a radical change in public policy on disability and that this change must touch every arm of government."

The Fianna Fail proposals were praised by the Rehab Group for their understanding of the needs of people with disabilities".


Anti discrimination legislation, already promised by the Government, "will not of itself achieve equality for people with disabilities", the Fianna Fail document declares.

Calling for "positive action legislation", it says that this lay down standards for employers which would establish "a bench mark of reasonable accommodation of the needs of people with disabilities in the workplace".

Other proposals include:

. The appointment of a Minister of State for Disability.

. Providing the necessary supports to schools so that children with disabilities can be educated in them.

. Training agencies such as FAS should be obliged to cater for people with disabilities.

. The 3 per cent Civil Service employment quota for people with disabilities should be extended to the rest of the public service. Financial incentives should be used to encourage the private sector to employ disabled people.

. All disabled adults should receive a Costs of Disability.

. Dublin Bus and other public bus companies should be obliged to buy only low floor accessible buses in their fleet replacement programmes.

. Funding should be provided to extend the scheme developed by the Centre for Independent Living through which personal assistants are employed by people with disabilities.

. The same tax incentives should be available to domestic charities as to Third World ones.