Father accused of raping girl

A schoolgirl has told a Central Criminal Court jury that her father raped her in the year she made her first Holy Communion.

A schoolgirl has told a Central Criminal Court jury that her father raped her in the year she made her first Holy Communion.

The girl's father (49) has pleaded not guilty to raping the girl, then seven, on a date the their home. He has also denied four other charges of incest, having unlawful carnal knowledge of her and sexually assaulting her.

The girl, who is attending primary school, gave evidence by video-link. She told prosecuting counsel, Mr Michael A. Counihan SC, that she did not tell her mother, doctors or social workers about the rape because she was scared.

Cross-examined by defence counsel, Mr Denis Vaughan Buckley SC, the girl denied her mother got her to claim her father raped her.


The hearing continues.