European Union foreign ministers have reached agreement with Cyprus clearing the way for Turkey to take its first step in detailed accession talks with the 25-nation bloc.
Cyprus wanted the EU to insist Turkey recognise Cyprus and open up ports to Cypriot ships.
"We have agreed a common position on Turkey," an Austrian EU presidency spokesman said after hours of wrangling with new member Cyprus.
He said Ankara had been informed of the final wording. The accord means Turkey will be able to provisionally conclude negotiations on the first and easiest of 35 detailed policy areas - on science and research - later today.
But it served notice of trouble ahead if Ankara does not respect agreements requiring it to recognise the Greek Cypriot government and open its ports and airports to traffic from Cyprus.
"Failure to implement its obligations in full will affect the overall progress in the negotiations," the EU text to be incorporated into the agreement on science and research said.