EP Documents

Copies of the following new European Parliament Research reports are available free of charge, while stocks last:

Copies of the following new European Parliament Research reports are available free of charge, while stocks last:

European Spatial Development Policy (summary parts I and II.5)

Cultural Projects eligible for Assistance from the EU Structural Funds

The Teaching of Immigrants in the EU


Prudential Supervision in the Context of EMU

Energy Pricing Policy: Targets, Possibilities and Impacts

The New Co-decision Procedure following the Treaty of Amsterdam

Globalisation and the Role of R+D

EU Anti-Discrimination Policy: from Equal Opportunities between men and women to Combating Racism

DG IV Publications Catalogue

Some copies remain of the following:

The Social and economic consequences of abolishing "Duty-free" within the EU

The free movement of cultural goods in the EU: new issues in Community law

Trade Union Rights in the EU Member States (full document or summary)

Social and Labour Market Policy in Sweden

Hearing on WTO and Developing Countries Community Veterinary Inspection (discussion paper)

The EP and the participation of subnational levels of government in the EU

Copies of the following Committee of Enquiry report are still available:

Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the BSE Crisis (February 1997)

Requests for single documents, on a postcard please, to EP Office in Ireland, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.