Employees with gadgets 'work more'

Employees with company Blackberrys or smartphones are slaves to the hi-tech gadgets working an extra 16 hours a week, a survey…

Employees with company Blackberrys or smartphones are slaves to the hi-tech gadgets working an extra 16 hours a week, a survey published today has claimed.

More than half of people questioned with the devices admitted checking and replying to work email before they go to bed and first thing in the morning.

Employment law firm Peninsula Ireland, which carried out the study, said work-demands and the availability of mobile technology was turning people into workaholics.

Some 654 staff were surveyed throughout July and August. The study found non-smartphone employees work on average 40 hours a week but those with the top-grade mobile technology work 56 hours.


A total of 57 per cent of those who use the hi-tech devices admit checking and responding to work e-mail late at night and early in the morning.

lan Price, Peninsula Ireland managing director, said: “The likes of Blackberry devices means that Irish workers are always contactable, it seems the working day just doesn’t end for many.

“So what may be good for business may not necessarily be right for employees.

“The recession has forced everyone to become more productive and for those with access to work at home, this is an opportunity for them to catch up or get ahead.”

“Employers need to ensure they are not unintentionally over-working their staff,” Mr Price said. “Additionally, it is important for staff to spend quality time away from the office.”