Tell me about NUI Maynooth
– A relatively small university with just 8,700 students.
– The university is ambitious and is steadily climbing the rankings.
– Lecturers are widely regarded as both approachable and available.
– There are some interesting things going on at NUI Maynooth. "Raise Your IQ" – a new spin-out company from the college, has recently demonstrated that it is possible to increase intelligence levels, and has developed an online programme which can measurably increased intellectual ability.
Why change to NUI Maynooth?
– It's Ireland's only proper university town, so everything really does revolve around student life.
– The new library features eight modes of studying. From the social atmosphere of the bean bag zone on the ground floor to the silent zone on the top floor, you'll easily find something that suits your style. And the Starbucks in the library is proving to be a big draw.
– Degrees offer flexibility, transferable skills, and strong links to industry and are universally recognised.
– Last year a poll of 10,000 third-level students voted Maynooth Ireland's friendliest college; it's also a rather beautiful campus.
Why not change to NUI
- Some students have reported that the campus and surrounding town is, if not deserted, then very quiet at weekends and during holidays.
– If you're not living in the area but instead are commuting from Dublin, Meath, Wicklow, or parts of Kildare, the commute can get really exhausting.
– You might prefer to blend into a more impersonal campus.
What's changed since February?
- Politics is now available to study through arts.
- Bachelor of Education students are now in situ on-campus in Maynooth and September's new first years will be too.
What's the advice from NUI Maynooth?
First and foremost, students should study subjects that they are passionate about.
Most popular CAO course 2012?
Arts remains the biggest, but the Bachelor of Education has seen the largest year-on-year growth.
What courses have declined in popularity?
A spokesperson for NUI Maynooth said that all degrees have maintained their appeal since 2012.
NUI Maynooth in three words: Ambitious, intimate, friendly.
Why change to NUI Maynooth?