TUI stops action on class size

THE TUI has suspended its industrial action over class sizes in Sligo RTC, which had led to some students missing theory classes…

THE TUI has suspended its industrial action over class sizes in Sligo RTC, which had led to some students missing theory classes since the middle of last month.

Members of the union had refused to teach a BCS science class in the college because class numbers exceeded the TUI maximum by over 100 per cent.

"Everything is back to normal - for the time being," says students' union vice president Dave Healy.

"We're very pleased that the TUI has agreed that this is an issue for discussion nationally," says John Cosgrove, the college's secretary and financial controller. "Our students are back in the class and hopefully we can move on from there. As we have been saying all along, if they can get agreement nationally we will implement those decisions as soon as possible."


The TUI is currently engaged in restructuring talks with the Department of Education under the Programme for Competitiveness and Work. At a meeting last week it was agreed that the issue of class size would be placed on the agenda on a "more formal basis", according to a TUI spokesperson, and industrial action was withdrawn on that basis.