The Teastas Report

Main points

Main points

A national qualifications framework.

An overall authority - the national qualifications authority (NQA).

Three awarding bodies: (1) A national certification council which would make awards for all further education and training including adult, continuing and community education and training. (2) A national institute of technology would make awards in the RTC/IT sector and in the private colleges. (3)The DIT.


The abolition of the NCVA.

The national institute of technology to become the legal successor to the NCEA.

The NQA will be the guarantor and quality auditor of the national qualifications system and the regulator and supervisor of the framework.

A major feature of the report is the fact that the system to be put in place is to be transparent and accountable and that there is progression at every level.

The report notes that the names of the awarding bodies are for the purpose of the report only.