Andrew Reilly
I am getting a Pokemon Nintendo game and a television for my bedroom. I wrote a letter to Santa to and put it on my bedroom window - it's still there so he hasn't got it yet. I didn't see Santa last year because I was asleep when he came. I am giving Santa apples and the reindeers can have carrots. Last year Santa left one of the apples I left out for him. I have been good all year.
Niall Moynagh
I went to see Santa in Carrick and told him what I want, which is a Galaxy Mega sword and a computer with a disc. I also want a good surprise, maybe something like a Gameboy. Santa is magic - he shrinks very small so he can fit in the chimney, and his sack with all the toys shrinks too. Then they go back to normal size. I really love Santa.
Olivia Kearney
I want an aeroplane Barbie. She is the captain of the plane. I also want a Baby Born baby carrier which you can hold to your front or back. I wrote my letter to Santa and I posted it. I hang my stocking in the corner of the kitchen because Santa knows it's there. I like sweets in my stocking but I'm not a great one for chocolate. I leave milk for Santa and orange for his elves.
David Maloney
I did a letter to Santa and mummy read it up the chimney. It goes down a chimney in Santa's house into a secret room where the elves are. I asked for an action man and a talking T-Rex dinosaur which does big scary roars. I have been good almost all this year - I tried very hard. I can't sleep on Christmas Eve but I close my eyes so I don't see Santa.
Rachel Henry
I wrote to Santa to ask for a big computer to do my homework on. I will also play games. I would like a Barbie with a long dress, earrings and diamonds in her hair. I saw Santa in the library last year but it was a man dressed up - not the real Santa. I love singing Jingle Bells, putting up the decorations and my sisters coming round. I'm leaving Santa a turkey sandwich and red wine.
Stephen Maloney
I forgot to send a letter to Santa yet - but I will leave a note for him to say here's your turkey, cookies and milk and thank you. I love Christmas Eve - nanny and granda come and we stay up late. I can't sleep when I know Santa is coming. Santa looks down at us in a crystal ball. I want him to bring me an Action Man skateboard, a dinosaur that talks and a surprise.