Q: Is there any chance I could get primary teaching with 445 points in any of the training college's?
I would never say never but based on the points for primary teaching courses over the last few years you might be under pressure with 445 points. There is no obvious reason why the points might drop significantly. Remember, you have the option of postgraduate entry if you get an honours level 8 degree in some other area.

Q: I got enough to do science in one college but not my first choice college. How do inter college transfers work and how soon might I be able to transfer?
Intra and inter college transfers are treated very much on a case by case basis by the colleges and I have to say in my experience are not very frequent. I would imagine you would find it very hard to change to another college in 1st year but my advice would be to contact the college admissions office involved and seek their guidance on the issue. They should be able to very quickly tell you if what you wish to do is possible.
Q: A student needs 5 passes to get into a PLC Course. He got four passes and passed LCVP. Does that count as five passes? Or is LCVP included?
Generally LCVP is not considered a full Leaving Certificate subject but in the PLC sector this could very from college to college and from course to course, so my advice would be to contact the college in question and seek their advice.
Q: I got a disappointing 260 points, is there any chance of me getting Tourism management in DIT (Level 7) this year or should I give up?
At 275 with random selection last year it is going to be a tight call for you on 260 but never say never. Remember there are a number of PLC courses you couold do that could gain you access through the FETAC links scheme to the course in DIT. It might be worth your while doing a bit of research on this. Go to the DIT website and search for FETAC links.
Q: What can I do if I don't get any of my courses?
Its a bit early days to worry about this, lets wait until Monday and see what happens. It might be no harm to get your hands on todays supplement in the Irish Times as there is plenty of food for thought in there on various options available to students who are not happy with results.
Q: What do you think will be required for general nursing in Dublin this year?
Unfortunately, we will have to wait and see on Monday, but the points will probably be broadly in line with the points listed in the Times today for 2013 entry.
Q: My son passed his Leaving Cert , he needed two C3s for his business course in DIT; he got one C3 and one D3. Can he still do his course?
It sounds like you are talking about an honours Level 8 degree course where the minimum requirement is 2 honours at grade C3 or above. Unfortunately it looks as if your son has not met this minimum entry requirement and so cannot be made an offer for this course.
Q: I am 70 points off the course I wanted and now thinking of doing a PLC, when should I apply for that?
PLC courses are currently taking applications for courses and will be running interviews soon. If you are serious about applying for a PLC my advice is to make contact with the PLC college as soon as possible and get your application in very quickly. Places will fill very quickly on high demand courses so you need to move quickly.
Q: I have enough points to do PE in UCC. I had it on my initial CAO application but did not include it on my change of mind form. Have I any way of letting UCC know I am keen to do PE in UCC?
Unfortunately not, you cannot change your CAO form at this stage even back to pre change of mind options.
Q: I'm just wondering do I include LCVP score as one of the 6 subjects or do I add it on to find the overall points?
In calculating points you add the scores from your six best subjects or your five best subjects plus your LCVP score. Take whichever is higgest as your points score for college entry.
Q: My son passed five subjects but has a E grade in sixth subject. If he gets an upgrade he will have points needed for his course. If his recheck/appeal is successful will he still be able to get a place on his chosen course this year or will the delay mean he would have to wait till next year?
A: Generally if an applicant is entitled to a place on a course due to an upgrade in October then he must be offered a place on that course in October. However in a small minority of cases the college may not have the capacity to offer a place at this stage and must then offer a deferred (guaranteed place) for the following year.
Q: We live in the South but my daughter applied to Queens in Belfast - if she doesn't get grades will she be offered a second option or can she apply at this stage for a course with lower points (grades)?
A: Generally in the UCAS system students are allowed hold two offers: Firm acceptance (1st preference) and Insurance acceptance (2nd preference). If an applicant doesn't get the grades required for their Firm they are generally offered their Insurance which is usually lower in grade requirements. If they don't get the points for either the applicant enters a system called Clearing. Details of this years Clearing System are available on www.ucas.com.
Q: If I accept a place in college on Monday but later on get offered one of my higher choices can I take that one over one I had accepted first?
Yes, absolutely. If you accept for example your 6th preference course on Monday and then in round two become entitled to your 3rd preference course then you will be offered it and can accept it regardless of what you have already accepted in round one. You can always hope to move up your list of preference but never down.
Q: I am going to get one of my exams rechecked, if I am upgraded is the CAO automatically informed?
Yes, the grades are sent to them automatically and any offers will be issued afterwards if you are entitled to them.
Q: Didn’t get a Level 8 Offer but got Level 7, thinking about repeating Leaving. If I do not take up the level 7 can I still stay in the system for the 2nd round offer on level 8.
Yes, you will stay in the system.