Have a CAO query? Join our Facebook Live Q&A

Guidance counsellor Brian Mooney and Irish Times education editor Carl O’Brien will answer all your college offers and further education queries

In a year like no other, students  are  facing into a host of unanswered question.

Is is worth appealing my results? How much will CAO points for my course go up? Should I defer college until Covid-19 subsides? Is it worth getting student accommodation if I’ll be on campus for just a day a week? What alternatives to college are out there?

Irish Times education editor Carl O'Brien will put all your Leaving Cert queries to guidance counsellor Brian Mooney at 5pm on Friday, September 11th, during a Facebook Live event.

If you have a query, please email Carl send it in advance (cobrien@irishtimes.com) or leave a comment on Facebook during the live broadcast.

It will be broadcast on the Irish Times Facebook page and will be available to replay.



In the meantime, our live helpdesk staffed by guidance counsellors is available from 11.45am to 8pm each day.

Also, you can check out answers to previously-asked questions from earlier this week here.