Ebullient Taoiseach gives first interview on President's law

THE newly elected Taoiseach could not contain his delight throughout his half hour visit to Aras an Uachtarain where he received…

THE newly elected Taoiseach could not contain his delight throughout his half hour visit to Aras an Uachtarain where he received his seal of office.

Grinning, he leapt out of his official car, bounded up the steps and into the hall to sign the visitors' book. He spent a few minutes alone with Mrs Robinson before they came into the State Reception Room for the brief ceremony. He watched her intently as the President signed two copies of the warrant and then handed Mr Ahern two boxes containing the seals.

"Taoiseach, Comhghairdeas," she said. "I wish you well in your high responsibility. I hand you the Seal of Office and the Seal of Government." Then she smiled as she added: "You're not really supposed to get this yet," referring to the Seal of Government. It would be almost two hours before his Government would be formed.

Mr Ahern beamed and shouted: "Go raibh maith agaibh" to the congratulations of members of the media as he left the room.


After another brief meeting with Mrs Robinson he came on to the lawn for a brief press interview and to pose for photographs. His press officer, Mr Marty Whelan, picked invisible specks off his leader's suit as he waited for the live connection to RTE News.

Asked to say something for a voice check, he said: "It's a beautiful day in Aras an Uachtarain and it's the first time I ever did an interview in Aras an Uachtarain." Asked for another check a few minutes later, he said: "It's a beautiful evening and I couldn't be feeling happier."

In the subsequent interview he spoke of being ready for the challenge of creating an inclusive society and of his hopes for progress in Northern Ireland.

He was more intimate with print journalists and Radio Ireland.

Clearly he could scarcely believe it had happened at last. "My biggest fear was last night," he confessed. "It was the eleventh hour and I was in this position before. It was the only time in the last few weeks I felt a bit nervous.

"I feel I have a contribution to make. It is up to history to judge that contribution, but I'm young.

Thank God, I have energy. I'll give it my best shot."