Dubliners urged to conserve water

An appeal to conserve water this summer has come from local authorities in the Dublin region.

An appeal to conserve water this summer has come from local authorities in the Dublin region.

Investment of €118 million is being made to plug leaky water pipes in the Greater Dublin Area.

Dublin City Council senior engineer Adrian Conway said the region's 1.5 million citizens each used 150 litres of water every day.

Mr Conway said typical daily usage included: 35 litres for a shower; 27 litres for using the lavatory; 40 litres for laundry; 12 litres for hand-washing; 12 litres for teeth-brushing; 10 litres for dishwashing; 10 litres for cooking; and two litres for drinking.


He suggested some tips to conserve water, including: fixing leaky taps; turning off the tap when brushing your teeth; and having a shower instead of a bath.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist