Dr Connell criticises attitude to refugees

The Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Desmond Connell, has said that the Irish people "cannot accept the benefits of EU membership without…

The Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Desmond Connell, has said that the Irish people "cannot accept the benefits of EU membership without sharing in the European responsibilities for refugees."

Whereas the adequacy of EU facilities for dealing with the issue might have to be addressed in the future, for the moment we had to "appreciate the fact that we are far from having as yet accepted a proportion of refugees commensurate with our population and prosperity", he said.

Dr Connell emphasised that our newly-acquired prosperity "created the opportunity and, with it, the responsibility to come to the assistance of those in need".

Two issues arising from the current influx of refugees demanded our attention, he said. "The first has to do with the policy to be adopted in reviewing legal and administrative procedures for dealing with applications for asylum and immigration . . . The second issue concerns the manner in which those who present themselves at our ports are treated."


Refugee policy was a broad issue which had to be dealt with in harmony with our EU partners and measures would have to be taken to halt the kind of trading which encouraged vulnerable people to risk life and limb to reach our shores. But it would be wrong if we were to turn this "scandal" into a justification for closing our doors to the needy.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times