Domestic violence trauma for children highlighted

An all-Ireland advertising campaign aimed at raising public awareness of the effects of domestic violence on children began today…

An all-Ireland advertising campaign aimed at raising public awareness of the effects of domestic violence on children began today.

The Minister of State for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Mr Frank Fahey TD said: "Research has shown that in over 80 per cent of domestic violence incidents, children are present - either in the same or next room."

Children who witness violence in the home are learning about violence as a norm in family life
The Minister for State for Justice, Equality & Law Reform, Mr Frank Fahy

He was speaking in his role as Chairperson of the National Steering Committee on Violence Against Women.

"The impact of witnessing what are traumatic events should not be underestimated. Children who witness violence in the home are learning about violence as a norm in family life."


During 2003, 8,452 incidents of domestic violence were reported to the gardaí. In the same year, Women's Aid received 18,902 calls to their Helpline, an increase of 26 per cent on the number of calls they received in 2002.

"These statistics indicate that domestic violence is still a major problem in our country and that action needs to be taken to combat it," added Mr Fahey.

The campaign is a joint initiative with Northern Ireland and the adverts will be shown on RTÉ and UTV over the next three weeks.

The Minister encouraged people who are living in domestic violence situations to seek help and support by calling the national freephone helpline number operated by Women's Aid, 1800-341900, or by contacting their local support services.

He also encouraged people to report domestic violence to the gardaí.