DL pledge to raise allowance for carers

A COMPREHENSIVE package to raise both the value of unpaid work in Irish society and the status of the workers, mainly women, …

A COMPREHENSIVE package to raise both the value of unpaid work in Irish society and the status of the workers, mainly women, was announced yesterday by Democratic Left.

Its leader, the Minister for Social Welfare, Mr De Rossa, said the document was entitled "Labour of Love" because it applied mainly to women who labour for love, rather than money.

He said the party, if returned to government, would raise the means tested carer's allowance to £100 per week.

The party also plans to:


. Introduce a new, non means tested carer's benefit scheme based on social insurance;

. Double child benefits;

. Progressively individualise social welfare payments for adult dependants by raising them to the same level as that of the claimant;

. Raise tax free allowances so that no one with an income below £107 per week if single, or £200 per week for couples, would pay tax, PRSI or levies;

. Remove any financial incentives for young, unemployed people to move prematurely out of the family home.

Mr De Rossa said his party's proposals treated all carers fairly. The proposals from the opposition parties focused only on taxpayers, discriminating against families on low incomes and on social welfare.

He said the Fianna Fail proposals also discriminated on the basis of marital status. Democratic Left would remove all discrimination from the tax and welfare systems, not add to it.