Deportation of Nigerian would-be groom deferred

The deportation of a Nigerian man who was arrested last week minutes before he was due to marry a young Irish woman has been …

The deportation of a Nigerian man who was arrested last week minutes before he was due to marry a young Irish woman has been deferred by High Court order until tomorrow.

The man's lawyers are continuing to try to get permission for him to stay in Ireland to go through with the marriage.

Fresh attempts to get leave for Mr Femi Adesoji to stay were launched yesterday afternoon after the High Court found that a deportation order for him was valid.

Mr Justice Smyth upheld the validity of the deportation order - which was due to be carried out today - and rejected a challenge to the legality of the man's detention in the training unit of Mountjoy Prison.


Shortly after the judge's decision, lawyers for Mr Adesoji went to the President of the High Court, Mr Justice Finnegan, seeking a stay on the deportation order to allow them consider whether to launch new proceedings by way of judicial review.

Mr Justice Finnegan was told that a letter had been written to the Minister for Justice seeking to stop the deportation and a response was awaited.

It is understood the latest efforts on behalf of Mr Adesoji centre on the rights of the couple to marry.

Mr Justice Finnegan put a stay on the deportation order until 5p.m. tomorrow. However, it is expected that if lawyers for Mr Adesoji do not receive a favourable response to their letter, they will seek a further delay on the implementation of the deportation order to give time for the judicial review case to proceed.