Woman killed after her own car reversed over her in freak accident

Ann Gray (67) from Collins Avenue in Santry, was waiting to collect her grandson from school

The jury at the Coronor’s Court returned a verdict of death by misadventure

A woman was fatally injured in a freak accident when her car reversed over her as she waited to pick up her grandson from school, an inquest heard.

Ann Gray (67) from Collins Avenue in Santry, Dublin 9, suffered multiple traumatic injuries when the wheel of her Ford Fiesta car reversed over her chest at Milbourne Avenue in Drumcondra on June 13th last year.

Dublin Coroner’s Court heard that Ms Gray was parked near St Patrick’s Primary School waiting to collect the child. The jury saw CCTV footage of the incident showing the car going out of view for 50 seconds but then reversing into shot.

Ms Gray can be seen outside the car being dragged backwards by the open door. She loses her footing as the car takes a sharp turn and falls beneath the front wheel as it reverses into a wall. She died as a result of severe injuries sustained when her chest was compressed by the car.


Gardaí examined the Ford Fiesta and found no defects. However, Sgt Michael Higgins said that as he tested the vehicle he found that when the handbrake is only partially applied and the car is in reverse, it will move when the ignition is turned on.

The CCTV footage clearly shows Ms Gray was outside the car when the incident commenced. Gardaí believe that she may have leaned in and turned on the ignition either to use the cigarette lighter or turn on the radio and when she did so the car went into reverse, taking her with it.

Gardaí told Coroner Dr Brian Farrell that the message arising from the incident is that people should always place their car in neutral when parked and apply the clutch when turning on the ignition.

The jury returned a verdict of death by misadventure.