Woman alleges sexual assault at Cathal Brugha army barracks

Gardaí in Rathmines and military police are investigating the alleged assault

Military police have been called in to investigate an allegation of sexual assault on a woman at an army barracks in Dublin early Wednesday morning.

Gardaí at Rathmines are also investigating the alleged incident which occurred at Cathal Brugha Barracks at about 2am on Wednesday .

The woman at the centre of the allegations is not a member of the Defence Forces. A spokesman for the Defence Forces confirmed it was made aware of the allegation in the early hours of the morning. He said the military police are co-operating fully with An Garda Síochána during its investigation.

“No persons have been arrested and investigations are ongoing,” a Garda spokesman said.


Cathal Brugha Barracks is located in Rathmines, Dublin 6 and is one of the key military bases of the Defence Forces.