Revenue seizes illegal fuel, cigarettes and counterfeit alcohol in Dundalk

Thousands of litres of illegal mineral oil seized at oil-laundering plant

Revenue officers seized illegal fuel, cigarettes and alcohol in Dundalk. Photograph: Revenue
Revenue officers seized illegal fuel, cigarettes and alcohol in Dundalk. Photograph: Revenue

Revenue officers have seized 14,000 litres of laundered diesel following the discovery of a laundering plant in Dundalk, Co Louth.

Officers seized two tonnes of bleaching earth, a product used in the laundering of prescribed markers from rebated mineral oil, two vans containing apparatus and goods for use in oil laundering and a mobile oil tank.

Three industrial bulk containers of diesel sludge were removed to Dundalk county council environment unit.

Officers also seized 54 kg of unstamped loose tobacco with a market value of €30,000 and 11 litres of counterfeit vodka.


In addition, fuel-tank offences were detected in two private motor vehicles at the scene.

A man in his 50s was interviewed by officers and gardaí said investigations are ongoing.

The search was an intelligence-led joint operation by Revenue’s Customs Service and An Garda Síochána.