Retired consultant Michael Shine brings case to stop trial

Doctor denies charges and claimed he cannot get a fair trial

A retired consultant surgeon accused of indecently assaulting 22 young men over a 26-year period has brought a High Court action aimed at preventing his trial.

Dr Michael Shine (80) denies the charges and claims he cannot get a fair trial on grounds including lengthy delays in bringing the charges and allegedly prejudicial media coverage.

Dr Shine, Wellington House, Wellington Road, Dublin, is charged with indecent assault offences on dates from 1964 until 1990 at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, and at a clinic.

He was charged in the District Court last July with alleged offences concerning 16 young males.


Further charges relating to six other complainants were later brought.

His prosecution is due to be mentioned before Dublin Circuit Criminal Court later this year with a hearing date expected sometime in 2014.

In his High Court judicial review proceedings against the Director of Public Prosecutions, Ireland and the Attorney General, Dr Shine wants orders permanently preventing his trial.

Hugh Hartnett SC, for Dr Shine, said the main ground of the action was delay as the charges related to alleged events dating back between 24 and 47 years.

Counsel said his client was prejudiced because medical records from the time of the alleged offences were not available.

Dr Shine had no recollection whatsoever of events around the time and this and the lack of records prejudice his ability to defend himself, counsel said.