Man with learning disability attacked in Dublin park

Family condemns assault by gang of youths which left Paul Deaton with head injury

A image posted by Linda Deaton showing injuries to her brother Paul Deaton after he was assaulted by a group of youths in a Dublin park on Wednesday. Image via Facebook

The family of a man with a learning disability have condemned an attack on him at a public park in Dublin which left him with head injuries.

During the attack at Fairview Park, believed to have involved up to five male youths, Paul Deaton (31) was also allegedly told he would be set on fire.

The man’s family also claimed the incident was recorded by his assailants on a mobile phone.

"Paul is traumatised by what happened," his sister Linda Deaton said. She said her brother had four staples inserted in a head wound at Beaumont Hospital following the incident.


Mr Deaton went to the park at 7pm on Wednesday where he was harassed by a group of youths.

Ms Deaton said: “He was kicked and eventually he got away but not before one of them tripped him to stop him. They laughed at him and took out their phones to take pictures of him.”

She said a passerby came to help her brother, who was bleeding from a head wound sustained when he fell.

“We want to thank the young woman who came to help him. We don’t know who she is but we are grateful,” Ms Deaton said.

The incident has been reported to gardaí.

Lord Mayor of Dublin Christy Burke offered his sympathies and support to Mr Deaton and his family.

He said the attack was deplorable, despicable and cowardly. “I sincerely hope this is an isolated incident”.