International search begins to fill top Garda job

First time position of garda commissioner has been advertised outside the force

The process of appointing a successor to former commissioner Martin Callinan, who retired in March, is being run by the public appointments service. It is the first time the position has been advertised outside the Garda force. The Government hopes to fill the post by the end of the year.

Executive recruitment companies are being asked to prepare proposals on how they would search for suitable candidates internationally to fill the garda commissioner’s post on a permanent basis.

The process of appointing a successor to former commissioner Martin Callinan, who retired in March, is being run by the public appointments service. It is the first time the position has been advertised outside the Garda force.

The Government hopes to fill the post by the end of the year.

Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald tonight said the process had begun, adding the appointment service was seeking proposals from executive recruitment companies to carry out an international search for suitable candidates.


That process will supplement the international advertising campaign that will be conducted seeking applicants for the post.

"This is part of a wider process of reform and renewal relating to the Garda Síochána, which will also include the establishment of a police authority," Ms Fitzgerald said of the contest to fill the State's top policing job.

Acting Garda Commissioner Noirín O’Sullivan has said she is applying for the job. She has already made a series of changes, including reshuffling senior personnel, in recent months as part of her efforts to secure the job permanently.

She would be the first woman to lead the force if her application were successful. She was deputy garda commissioner to Mr Callinan during his term in office.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times