Two to be summonsed to attend late DJ’s inquest

Men had been partying with Thomas Gerard Mulholland when he died after taking ecstasy

Thomas Gerard Mulholland’s death has been linked to a lethal batch of ecstasy tablets. File photograph: David Sleator/The Irish Times

Two men who were partying with a DJ when he died after allegedly taking toxic ecstasy pills will be summonsed to give evidence at his inquest, a coroner’s court has heard.

Thomas Gerard Mulholland (42), died last December during a house party at his apartment at Thornhill Court, Twinbrook. Four others were also admitted to hospital but later recovered.

An inquest for Mr Mulholland - a well-known producer and DJ on the Northern Ireland club scene - had been due to start in Belfast's Old Town Hall today but was postponed after two key witnesses failed to turn up.

Adjourning the case, Coroner Jim Kitson instructed the PSNI to personally serve summons notices on the two men.


Mr Kitson said: “They are aware of this case but they have chosen not to attend because they have not received a document. I do not consider that acceptable and I do not consider it appropriate to continue.

“I want these people here to give evidence on what went on the night that Thomas Gerard died.”

Mr Mulholland’s death has been linked to a lethal batch of yellow ecstasy tablets known as “speckled Rolex”. In the wake of the tragedy, police appealed for anyone in possession of the deadly drugs to dispose of them immediately.

The pills get their name from the crown logo stamp which is similar to that the famous jeweller.

A number of other sudden deaths in Belfast and the northwest of England last year were linked to separate ecstasy pills nicknamed "green Rolex".

The court heard one of the witnesses had moved house and did not receive official notification of the inquest.

Mr Mulholland’s relatives, including his sister, let out sighs of exasperation when the coroner said the case would have to be postponed.

Mr Kitson described the last-minute adjournment as “unfortunate and distressing” but said it was “important” both men attended court proceedings to give evidence.

He told the family he would endeavour to have the case relisted as soon as possible.

The coroner said: “I apologise that this is distressful enough without having to have the case adjourned in such circumstances.”

None of the relatives wanted to comment on the sudden adjournment outside court.

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