Learner driver who hit and killed teen to be sentenced next week

Gareth Jones swerved to avoid three as they crossed the road but hit Paul McCormack

A 21-year-old unaccompanied learner driver who was speeding when he hit and killed a teenager will be sentenced next week.

Gareth Jones swerved to avoid three of the boy's friends as they crossed the road but hit Paul McCormack (16), who had changed direction to try and get back to the path.

Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard there was a fault with the ABS braking system in his Toyota Avensis but that there was no indication Jones was aware of this.

Jones, of Mellowes Park, Finglas, Dublin pleaded guilty to careless driving causing the death of Paul McCormack at Tolka Valley Road, Finglas on June 26th, 2015. He has two minor previous convictions.


The court heard Jones told gardaí he was doing 70 to 80 km/h in the area, which had a speed limit of 50km/h. After the collision, Jones remained at the scene, accepted responsibility and called an ambulance.

Judge Melanie Greally adjourned sentencing until October 20th next to allow her consider the case. The maximum term of imprisonment for this offence is two years.

‘Ages away’

Garda Aidan McHugh told Gerardine Small BL, prosecuting, that Paul McCormack and three of his friends were crossing the road towards Tolka Valley Park when they saw a car coming from the left which looked to be “ages away”.

One of the group said he saw the car “rocking” over the ramps with the lights going up in the air and the car got so close that they had to run.

He said the car was driving “flat out” and three of the group made it across the road but Paul changed direction and went back towards the other side of the road as he was closer to the kerb.

The car swerved to the right, the direction Paul had gone in, and there was a loud bang and clatter as the car hit him. It carried him for a while and he was thrown into the air and hit the ground. The car windscreen was smashed and the registration plate came off.

Paul McCormack was taken to the Mater hospital where he was pronounced dead due to catastrophic brain injuries.

Garda McHugh said he spoke to Jones at the scene and he said he had been driving on Tolka Valley Road when he saw the four friends crossing the road.

He said he took evasive action and three males continued across the road but one turned back in the opposite direction. All drug and alcohol tests were clear.

During Garda interview, Jones said he was a provisional licence holder and accepted he did not have a qualified driver with him in the car.

The car was fully insured, taxed and covered by NCT. He said he did not know the speed limit on the road and said he was doing about 70 to 80 km/h.

The forensic collision examiner attended at the scene and inspected the vehicle. The weather and road conditions were good and the area was well lit. The car was in good condition apart from a fault in the ABS braking system which rendered that system inoperable, leaving the car with only conventional braking.

As a result of this, during extreme braking the wheels would tend to lock and steering would not be possible.

The examiner found the speed on impact with Paul McCormack was 62 km/h. He said if the ABS had been operational the driver would have had limited steering and been able to change direction.

Family ripped apart

Paul’s mother wrote a letter in which she outlined how the collision had ripped the family apart and left their home silent and empty. She recalled the happiness Paul had given his family and said the incident had turned their lives upside-down.

She said the pain had gotten worse as time went on and they still waited for him to come back.

She described memories of her son “chilling on the sofa”, coming home from school and talking with friends and neighbours. She said his absence had left “a void that cannot be filled”.

Garda McHugh agreed with Michael Bowman SC, defending, that there was no indication Jones was aware of the fault with the ABS system. He agreed he co-operated fully at the scene and afterwards.

He agreed tensions were running high at the scene but Jones remained, accepted responsibility and dialled 999.

He accepted that Jones was remorseful and had expressed this several times. Mr Bowman submitted Jones had been assessed as at low risk of reoffending and had the support of his family. He said his client was aware of the enormity of the offence.

He said Jones was a person of good character with no alcohol or drug issues.