Children find loaded handgun in Dublin park

It is believed the group did not pick up the Glock weapon but told an adult

A group of children discovered a loaded handgun in a public park in Dublin on Thursday evening, garda sources have confirmed.

However, it is believed they did not pick up the Glock weapon but instead informed an adult who in turn phoned gardai.

A garda Armed Support Unit (ASU) on a routine patrol responded immediately and attended the scene of the discovery, quickly making the weapon safe.

It was discovered in a park area near Casltecurragh Park in Mulhuddart, West Dublin at about 5pm.


Sources said the group of children most likely came across it accidentally when out playing but appeared to have the sense not to touch it.

Gardai are now investigating the incident. The weapon – a make of gun common in the criminal underworld – has been sent for forensic examination.

Local Fine Gael councillor Kieran Dennison, outgoing chair of Fingal County Council’s joint policing committee, said with ongoing criminal activity in the area it was only a matter of time before somebody stumbled upon a weapon.

“It seems that one can never be shocked anymore,” he said. “It’s really disgraceful that kids are finding guns literally in their own community.

“The guards have had a number of raids up there; everyone knows there are guns hidden in the area and it was only a matter of time.”

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times