Audi car and electronic devices seized in Garda raids in Dublin

Searches in the south inner city on Monday are part of investigation into organised crime

The blue Audi A4 estate seized in Dublin on Monday. Photograph: Garda Press Office

An Audi car, a number of electronic devices and some documents have been seized by gardaí in Dublin following searches by the Criminal Assets Bureau on Monday.

The blue Audi A4 estate was discovered during two searches in Dublin's south inner city and a search in Ballyfermot on Monday morning as part of an investigation into the proceeds of organised crime.

Documentation and electronic devices were also seized during the raids.

No arrests were made. The vehicle was seized under Section 1A of the Proceeds of Crime Amendment Act 2016.


More to follow.

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak is an Irish Times reporter specialising in immigration issues and cohost of the In the News podcast