Creditors to meet company behind Poga theme park

Creditors of the children's adventure theme park Poga's Wonderland will meet the company tomorrow to discuss outstanding payments…

Creditors of the children's adventure theme park Poga's Wonderland will meet the company tomorrow to discuss outstanding payments owed to them.

The company's director, actor Bryan Murray, confirmed yesterday that the meetings would take place in Dublin and could extend until Wednesday and Thursday.

"Unfortunately we are going into voluntary liquidation; it's a situation we did not think would happen. Over three years of hard work is going down the pan," he said.

Murray's company Islandbridge Productions leased a site from Goff's Bloodstock Sales at Kill, Co Kildare. Poga's Wonderland was launched last summer. The Irish dragon and his friends entertained thousands of children with a show, outdoor activities and games at a specially designed set.


"I thought we had a great venture, a venture of a new Irish theme park. I thought it would go on and on. The people that heard about it came and they liked it. Unfortunately not enough people heard about it and not enough people came," said Mr Murray.

Many companies are now substantially out of pocket as they have not been paid for services provided to the company.

One creditor said her company had not received any payment at all.

"We were basically working for them for free. We were promised we would be paid," she said.She would be going to the meeting, but was not hopeful of getting paid.