Countess of Wicklow, prolific campaigner

ELEANOR, Countess of Wicklow, who will be buried today, was a prolific social campaigner for many decades.

ELEANOR, Countess of Wicklow, who will be buried today, was a prolific social campaigner for many decades.

She was a founder of the Centre for Peace and Reconciliation at Glencree and of Co operation North and was involved in campaigns on poverty, travellers, adult education, the elderly, social housing and many others.

She was a member of the Labour Party and was nominated to the Seanad in 1948. As a senator she travelled throughout Europe, the US, Asia and Australia to promote the campaign for Moral Rearmament.

An architect by profession - her father was the eminent architect, Prof R.M. Butler, who designed the Earlsfort Terrace facade of UCD - Lady Wicklow later became a home planning adviser and housing consultant to the Irish Countrywomen's Association.


In 1959 she married the 8th Earl of Wicklow, who died in 1978. They had no children. She was in her 80s and is survived by her sister, Mrs Honor Murray. She was looked after in her final years by her secretary and friend, Ms Judith Addison.