Count heads for fourth day amid close race for last seat

GALWAY WEST: A THREE-day counting of votes in Galway West looked set to continue into a fourth day last night, with only two…

GALWAY WEST:A THREE-day counting of votes in Galway West looked set to continue into a fourth day last night, with only two TDs deemed elected.

A full recount of votes, which began on Sunday evening, was still in progress into the late hours yesterday under the supervision of returning officer Marian Chambers-Higgins.

Count staff were confident that at least two more seats would be filled by this morning, with both outgoing Independent TD Noel Grealish and Fine Gael councillor Brian Walsh expected to be successful.

The recount is focused on the last seat, and was requested by Fine Gael senator Fidelma Healy-Eames when only 56 votes separated her from party rival Cllr Seán Kyne after the 10th count on Sunday evening.


At that stage, Fianna Fáil Minister Éamon Ó Cuív and Labour candidate Derek Nolan had been returned. Neither man could be declared elected until the final count is over.

Mr Nolan (28), a trainee solicitor, had topped the poll on first preferences – a feat also recorded by his predecessor, Michael D Higgins, in 1992.

The narrow margin between the two Fine Gaelers and Independent councillor Catherine Connolly for the last seat is such that another recount request could not be ruled out last night.

Ms Connolly, a former Labour Party member, suffered a personal bereavement when her stepmother, Bridgid, passed away in Galway Hospice on Sunday, and the funeral is today.

However, she attended the count centre in Leisureland, Salthill, yesterday before her stepmother’s removal service.

Her campaign expressed unhappiness at the number of her votes which Fine Gael representatives had queried during the initial stages of the recount.

The dearth of information given on the progress contributed to a general atmosphere of frustration.

At one point, the count staff hosted visits by primary school pupils from Inverin in Connemara, and transition year media study pupils from Coláiste Einde in Salthill.

Fine Gael camps were said to be split on the issue, given that two candidates from the same party were perceived to be delaying the election result.

At about 6.27pm, Mr Healy-Eames said on her Twitter account: “No truth to rumour that FG HQ asked me to concede.

“Party’s legal adviser supporting my request for the recount.” Fine Gael supporters involved in tallies said they believed Ms Healy-Eames would still be eliminated, and Mr Kyne would take the seat.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times