Corrib gas line mediator publishes ground rules

Ground rules for mediation talks between the Rossport 5 and Shell E&P Ireland have been published by the independent mediator…

Ground rules for mediation talks between the Rossport 5 and Shell E&P Ireland have been published by the independent mediator, former Ictu general secretary Peter Cassells.

The sides are due to hold talks on the Corrib gas onshore pipeline. Mediation talks were suspended several weeks ago after the men took issue with statements from the Minister for the Marine Noel Dempsey.

Mr Cassells produced five ground rules which include confidentiality, no reporting to third parties and the making of the Department of the Marine a consultative partner.

Mr Cassells said he would meet both sides separately to draw up and agree the agenda and timescale.


He said the goal of the mediation was to "reconcile the two interests of bringing the gas in the Corrib gasfield to market and ensuring safety. For the mediation to work both of these objectives must be achieved," he said.

The Rossport 5 are due before the High Court on Monday next to determine what, if any further sanction they will face. A spokesman for the men said they would decide after the hearing whether or not to re-engage with the mediation process.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times