Cooper-Flynn should consider Dáil position - Quinn

Serious consequences will follow the findings by a High Court jury in the libel action taken by Ms Beverly Cooper-Flynn against…

Serious consequences will follow the findings by a High Court jury in the libel action taken by Ms Beverly Cooper-Flynn against RTÉ, the Labour party leader said tonight.

Speaking after the ruling - in which the jury found RTÉ had proved Ms Cooper-Flynn encouraged witnesses at the trial to evade tax - Mr Ruairí Quinn said the Mayo TD should consider her position as a member of the Dáil and a member of the Public Accounts Committee.

Mr James Howard and his daughters declined to comment after the jury ruled it had not been proven Mr Howard had been persuaded to avoid tax by Ms Cooper-Flynn.

The Taoiseach said the Government and the Party would have to study the judgement before he could make a comment.


Fine Gael's deputy finance spokesman, Mr Paul McGrath TD, also said Mr Ahern should consider whether it was appropriate that Deputy Cooper-Flynn should remain a member of the Public Accounts Committee, and if she should remain a member of the Fianna Fáil parliamentary party.

"It is important that the Taoiseach of our country should state clearly to compliant Irish tax payers what his views and that of the Fianna Fáil party are on these issues," he said this evening.

After receiving the jury’s verdict impassively in the court room, Ms Cooper Flynn said it was a disappointing result and was considering an appeal.

She thanked her legal team and her friends and family who had supported her over the last seven weeks. She described the hearing as a very trying and difficult time personally and for her family.

She said she respected the jury's decision but "profoundly disagreed" with it. "There is a reason for everything but it is a little hard to see the good side of this day at the moment," she added.

She added she was surprised that she had the stamina to put up with the seven weeks and added, maybe there would be another day.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times