Cooper-Flynn puts off meeting FF officials

Mayo TD Ms Beverley Cooper-Flynn said today it would be inappropriate to meet Fianna Fáil party officials until a final decision…

Mayo TD Ms Beverley Cooper-Flynn said today it would be inappropriate to meet Fianna Fáil party officials until a final decision on whether she is to appeal her libel defeat is taken.

Ms Cooper-Flynn was expected to meet the Government Chief Whip Mr Seamus Brennan and the Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party chairmanDr Rory O'Hanlon today to discuss her position

But in a statement she said: "I have today written to thechairman of the Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party and to theGovernment Chief Whip indicating that until a final decisionconcerning an appeal has been taken a meeting would not beappropriate".

"I am asking all members of the Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Partyto support my entitlement to due process at this time."


Mr Brennan and Dr O'Hanlon are due to meet later today to discuss MsCooper-Flynn's letter before aparty meeting tomorrow.

Senior Fianna Fáil figures are expected to press Ms Cooper-Flynn toresign from the party regardless of whether she appeals her libeldefeat.

Fine Gael's Mr Alan Dukes has called on Mr Ahern to immediately suspend Ms Cooper-Flynn from the party.

He said: "The Taoiseach as head of the Government has an obligation to show real leadership on ethical issues.

"It is simply not acceptable for him to wait until Beverley Cooper Flynn resigns voluntarily as he did in the previous cases of Ray Burke, Denis Foley, John Ellis, Liam Lawlor and Ned O'Keeffe".

Yesterday Labour party leader Mr Ruairí Quinn called on the Taoiseachto take "decisive action" on Ms Cooper-Flynn and expel her from theFianna Fáil Parliamentary Party.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times