Claim that Protestants are leaving Derry

A senior member of the Apprentice Boys claimed yesterday that five Protestant families were moving out of Derry each week because…

A senior member of the Apprentice Boys claimed yesterday that five Protestant families were moving out of Derry each week because they felt alienated in their home city.

Alderman William Hay, who is also a DUP Assemblyman and a former mayor of Derry, said it was up to everyone to work together to stop what he called the haemorrhaging of Protestant families.

"The sad reality is that, while 10 years or so ago Protestant families were moving from the mainly nationalist west bank to the east bank, now they are moving out of Londonderry altogether.

"More and more Protestants feel they don't belong here. They believe they cannot take part in the numerous festivals and events. I have figures to prove that there are five Protestant families each week leaving and that is a horrendous haemorrhage that we must try to stop.


"It is up to unionist representatives to instil confidence in the Protestant community to enable them to live, work and socialise in Londonderry. In fact it is up to everyone to sit down to see what we can do about this serious problem", said Mr Hay.

He dismissed reports that the Apprentice Boys are to have direct talks with members of the Bogside Residents' Group before next month's annual parade in Derry. "We welcome talking to people who genuinely want to listen to us, but as yet no decision has been taken about any talks with the Residents' Group", he said.

Yesterday in Derry the Apprentice Boys announced details of their week-long Maiden City Festival. Mr William Moore, general secretary, said the aim of the festival was to promote cross-community understanding.

"As we approach the close of the 20th century and prepare to welcome the dawn of a new millennium, we sincerely hope this new day will herald to our city an acceptance of cultural diversity and a right for all citizens to express their traditions without fear of violence or intimidation", he said.