Church concerned over TV culture

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland's general assembly, which concluded in Belfast yesterday, was told "the fact that Hell's Kitchen…

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland's general assembly, which concluded in Belfast yesterday, was told "the fact that Hell's Kitchen, Big Brother, and Pop Idol can attract millions of viewers is an indicator in itself that we are sick and in need of urgent attention."

Mr Lindsay Conway said we lived in "a society that is more likely to show its loyalty to an employer or golf club; to the latest trend or gadget rather than family or church."

"The value base is totally distorted, resulting in possessions being more important than relationships," Mr Conway said. "Our church finds itself struggling with this new value base. No longer is the church setting the standards or marking the rules," he said. Earlier the general assembly passed a resolution under which all local congregations will be expected to clear new volunteers - in line with Child Protection Guidelines - who will have regular contact with children or young people from January 1st.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times