Child payment goes up by 10% today

The Early Child Supplement goes up by 10 per cent to €1,100 per annum for each child under six in the State from today.

The Early Child Supplement goes up by 10 per cent to €1,100 per annum for each child under six in the State from today.

The ECS was introduced in December 2005, is a non-taxable payment made to all parents for each child under six already in receipt of child benefit. It is paid on a quarterly basis.

The increased quarterly rate of €275 for each eligible child applies to payments being made today for the first quarter of this year. The next three tranches of the allowance will be paid in July, October and December.

Following the increase, a typical family with two children under six years of age will receive direct payments of €6,148 this year from the ECS and child benefit.

"The Early Child Supplement is a central element in the Government's strategy to provide parents with sssistance in meeting the costs of childcare.," Minister for Children Brendan Smith said.  "Coupled with very significant increases in Child Benefit since 1997, parents are now being given the means to make real choices
when it comes to providing affordable childcare for their young children."

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times