Carpenter kicked another man to death after post-match `drunken binge'

A carpenter who kicked another man to death after a "drunken binge" pleaded guilty to manslaughter in Galway Circuit Court yesterday…

A carpenter who kicked another man to death after a "drunken binge" pleaded guilty to manslaughter in Galway Circuit Court yesterday. Sean Walsh (23), Kiltormer, Co Galway, admitted the manslaughter of Mr Thomas Coen (37) at The Hill public house, Kiltormer, last November 17th.

Both men were among a large group drinking after their local hurling team had been defeated.

The Kiltormer team was managed by Mr Donie Campbell, who owned The Hill. Insp Paul Hargadon said the pub had been trading without a licence, was serving drink to under-age customers, and the proprietor had no control over his premises.

A number of young men had taken part in a stripping session and there had been exchanges at the bar between Mr Coen and Walsh.


When Mr Coen left the pub at about 3 a.m., Walsh attacked and kicked him while he was unconscious on the ground. Mr Coen died shortly afterwards in hospital. The cause of death was a traumatic haemorrhage due to a blow or kick to the chin.

Judge Carl Moran accepted that the tragedy would not have happened if alcohol had not been involved. He intended to impose a prison sentence, but the extent to which any or all of it would be suspended depended on how Walsh reacted to treatment for his alcohol problem. He adjourned sentencing until October.