Cardinal concerned by politicians' behaviour

Italy’s leading Catholic churchman has criticised “licentious behaviour” by politicians as contributing to the nation’s moral…

Italy’s leading Catholic churchman has criticised “licentious behaviour” by politicians as contributing to the nation’s moral and economic decline, as prime minister Silvio Berlusconi faces charges of paying for sex with a minor.

“It is mortifying to acknowledge conduct that is not only contrary to public decorum but intrinsically sad and empty,” Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, head of Italy’s bishops’ conference, said in Rome.

Italians “are stunned as they observe their public leaders and the weakening of the nation’s image abroad”. While the cardinal did not cite Mr Berlusconi by name, his remarks are just the latest by Catholic leaders to question the morals of Italy’s leaders.

Last week Pope Benedict called for “moral renewal” in the country. In January he urged politicians to return to their “spiritual and moral roots”.


Milan prosecutors are investigating the 74-year-old prime minister for allegedly paying a minor for sexual relations and helping secure her release from police custody. The case has shaken Catholic voter support for his conservative coalition, whose term ends in 2013. – (Bloomberg)