Bus drivers set for Green Party protest

A GROUP of Dublin Bus drivers will stage a protest outside the Green Party’s Dublin headquarters on Monday over recent transport…

A GROUP of Dublin Bus drivers will stage a protest outside the Green Party’s Dublin headquarters on Monday over recent transport cuts.

The Busworkers’ Action Group is taking the step to highlight “the Green Party Ministers’ silence” on the cuts in both Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann.

The members of Siptu and NBRU are targeting the party because of its focus on global warming.

“How can we seriously reduce our CO2 emissions unless we plan a massive switch to all forms of public transport,” said Dublin Bus driver Dave O’Connor in a statement.


“The Greens must ask themselves if they can’t even save the existing bus service, what is the point of being in Government.”

A Green Party spokeswoman last night said “there must be serious reform at Dublin Bus and we urge union and management dialogue as quickly as possible”.

Dublin Bus plans to make 290 staff redundant and reduce its fleet by 120 buses. Bus Éireann intends to make 322 staff redundant and remove 150 buses from its fleet.

Monday’s bus services are not expected to be affected as protesting drivers will either be on a break or a day off.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times