Minister for Social Affairs Seamus Brennan will begin consultations on a National Carers Strategy today after unveiling an information pack from the Carers' Association of Ireland this afternoon.
Brennan to begin consultations on Carers Strategy
The National Carers Strategy - provided for in the Social Partnership Agreement, "Towards 2016" - will focus on supporting informal and family carers.
Other initiatives promised by Mr Brennan will aim to increase benefits and support for carers.
The agreement is due to be voted on by Ictu in the coming weeks, and work on the strategy can only begin if the deal is passed.
Mr Brennan said that in addition to the carers' strategy he would be addressing the expansion of income limits for carers and increases in Carers Allowance, Carers Benefit and the annual Respite Care Grant.
The Minister also promised to look at the potential for improved support services for carers and the enhancement of economic and social inclusion supports to former carers.
Work will also be conducted with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and Fás on issues associated with training for carers, he promised.