Bishop expresses 'deep sadness' at case

The Church of Ireland Bishop of Limerick, Right Rev Michael Mayes, has expressed "deep personal sadness at the nature of the …

The Church of Ireland Bishop of Limerick, Right Rev Michael Mayes, has expressed "deep personal sadness at the nature of the charges" to which Canon Joe Condell pleaded guilty yesterday.

"It is even more distressing as Canon Condell has been a long-serving pastor within his parish, where he was held in high esteem, and has played a major part in the administration and leadership of the diocese as a whole."

He continued: "Child pornography of its very nature portrays the cruel degradation and sexual exploitation of defenceless children for financial gain, and is completely at odds with the nature and purpose of pastoral ministry. Those who help perpetuate this squalid industry by obtaining its products are inevitably involved in betraying the natural trust of children who instinctively turn to adults for help when they cannot protect themselves."

Within the Church of Ireland, he said, the protection of children is ensured through implementation of its child protection policy, Safeguarding Trust.


He paid particular tribute to the parishioners of Roscrea who had dealt "with grace and generosity of spirit with such a difficult situation" and thanked clerical colleagues who provided pastoral support in the parish and to the Condell family "over an exceedingly difficult period", a support that would continue to be provided by the diocese.