Hundreds of balloons will be released today in Dublin to mark the State’s first Family Friendly Workplace Day.
Organised by the Equality Authority, the release of the multicoloured balloons in Clonmel Street in Dublin is one of many initiatives being launched to mark the day.
Family Friendly Day is part of the National Framework Committee for the Development of Family Friendly Policies which was established under the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness.
The committee includes representatives from the employers' group IBEC, the ICTU, the Equality Authority and Government Departments.
Along with a brochure outlining family friendly work arrangements, a website ( has been launched today to provide details on a series of regional seminars, work arrangements, events, guidelines, publications and case studies.
The Equality Authority is running family friendly events for staff throughout the day and will insist staff go home on time at 5.30 p.m.
It is holding an Open House at its premises in the Village Quarter in Clonmel Street where visitors will be treated to a stress-free environment set off by a string quartet, the balloon release and refreshments.
According to the Authority, the day provides an opportunity to develop a focus on family friendly workplace arrangements. It said it hopes enterprises around the State would act on the initiative by organising family friendly events and briefings today.
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) is providing a freefone information service today on 1850 201 521(9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.) to answer questions on family friendly work arrangements.
While welcoming publication of Working Group Report on Maternity Protection Legislation yesterday, ICTU renewed its call on the Government to mark Family Friendly Day by agreeing to introduce paid parental leave.
Speaking yesterday the Tánaiste Ms Harney said the Government is to implement all of the Working Group’s recommendations and has launched a review of the Parental Leave Act (1999) with a report expected later this year.
A booklet on family friendly policies for Trinity College staff - "Work/life balance initiatives & family friendly initiatives" - was launched by the college’s Provost Dr Thomas Mitchell.
Trinity’s Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies has also been commissioned by the Government, the EU and the European Commission to carry out research into the issue of reconciling work and family roles.