Austria refuses to allow US troops pass through

AUSTRIA:  Austria has refused to drop its ban on US soldiers and military equipment passing through its territory, despite complaints…

AUSTRIA:  Austria has refused to drop its ban on US soldiers and military equipment passing through its territory, despite complaints from the US Defence Secretary, Mr Donald Rumsfeld.

Austria, a neutral country, refused a request to allow US soldiers based in Germany to enter the country on their way through to Italy.

Mr Rumsfeld complained that Austria's refusal meant that the troops now had to pass through two or three countries on their way to Italy.

But Vienna's defence minister, Mr Herbert Schreibner, said there was no question of US forces using Austria for transit - by rail, road or air - unless the UN Security Council passed a new resolution backing military action against Iraq.


"If the United Nations gives a new mandate, we will be obliged to review our decision," he said.

Political commentators believe that the row over troop movements and the split over Iraq within NATO have put paid to the prospects of any debate in Austria about joining the alliance.

Denis Staunton

Denis Staunton

Denis Staunton is China Correspondent of The Irish Times