Asteroid close but still a miss

A wayward asteroid will skim past Earth this evening, closer than some of our orbiting satellites.

A wayward asteroid will skim past Earth this evening, closer than some of our orbiting satellites.

The good news is asteroid 2012DA14 will sail on by about 17,150 miles above the surface, says the Irish Astronomical Association.

The asteroid is one of thousands of "near Earth objects" that buzz around this part of the solar system.

It is only 165ft across, but large enough to do serious damage if it collided with Earth. Any impact would unleash an explosion equivalent to 2.4 million tonnes of TNT, wiping out everything for 750sq miles around the impact site.

Dick Ahlstrom

Dick Ahlstrom

Dick Ahlstrom, a contributor to The Irish Times, is the newspaper's former Science Editor.