Assembly to debate arms and policing

The NI Assembly will today debate decommissioning and policing when it holds its first meeting of the new year

The NI Assembly will today debate decommissioning and policing when it holds its first meeting of the new year. The two issues are contained in motions tabled by the DUP. The first, proposed by the Rev Ian Paisley and his deputy, Mr Peter Robinson, demands the hand-over and destruction of all paramilitary weapons.

It says "token decommissioning" is not acceptable and the process must be "verifiable, transparent and credible". A second motion rejects the Patten report on policing and urges the Northern Secretary, Mr Peter Mandelson, not to implement it.

A third DUP motion condemns the Minister of Health, Ms Bairbre de Brun (SF), for refusing to allow the flying of the Union flag from British government property over the Christmas holiday.

The Assembly Members' Pensions Bill will also be discussed.