Archbishop welcomes US bishops' statement

US Anglican bishops have been told they have met recommendations that they express regret for disruption caused to the Anglican…

US Anglican bishops have been told they have met recommendations that they express regret for disruption caused to the Anglican Communion by consecrating a gay man as bishop.

In 2003 Canon Gene Robinson was consecrated Bishop of New Hampshire, precipitating a crisis within Anglicanism worldwide. This led to the establishment of the Lambeth Commission, which was chaired by the Church of Ireland primate Archbishop Robin Eames. Last February it published the Windsor Report.

It recommended that "the Episcopal Church (US) be invited to express its regret that the proper constraints of the bonds of affection were breached in the events surrounding the election and consecration of a bishop for the See of New Hampshire, and for the consequences which followed, and that such an expression of regret would represent the desire of the Episcopal Church (US) to remain within the Communion."

Speaking in a personal capacity at the Virginia theological seminary in Washington DC, Archbishop Eames said: "In my opinion the decisions of the House of Bishops in the Episcopal Church (US) met that request." He said it was arguable the US bishops "exceeded what was asked for by the Windsor Report". He is in the US to receive honorary doctorates for his services to Anglicanism.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times