Anti-incineration candidate to run in Meath

An anti-incineration activist today announced his candidature in the Meath constituency in the upcoming General Election.

An anti-incineration activist today announced his candidature in the Meath constituency in the upcoming General Election.

Mr Pat O’Brien will run as an independent candidate with his campaign focusing on opposition to the proposed incinerator at Duleek, in Co Meath.

Mr O’Brien said anti-incinerator candidates around the country were coming together under the name of Zero Waste Ireland. "I am the third anti-incineration candidate to declare and I expect to be joined by three or four others".

The watering down of people's democratic rights and having Government decisions "foisted" upon them had spurred him to contest the election, Mr O’Brien said.


The 50-year-old married father of five said funding was a difficult issue, especially for an independent, but it could and has been done.

Mr O’Brien will be facing sitting TDs which include Fianna Fáil’s Mr Noel Dempsey, Ms Mary Wallace and Mr Johnny Brady. Mr John Bruton and Mr John Farrelly were elected for Fine Gael.

Labour are running a new candidate, Mr Peter Ward, in the constituency.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times